
Do dog owners live longer and happier lives?

Do dog owners live longer and happier lives?
05 Sep

The typical American household spends more money each year on animal products — food, supplies, and health care — than it does on baby items or entertainment. The majority of U.S. households (68%) include a pet; the average house has two dogs, one cat, and three other pets. How much do we love our animals? They slept in our bed…

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Is Swimming good for my dog?

Is Swimming good for my dog?
02 Jul

These are a few of the benefits of dogs swimming. Swimming is a non-weight bearing, low-impact, and non-concussive exercise. This means your dog can enjoy all the benefits without putting stress on their joints and tendons. Plus, the buoyancy of the water takes on most of your dog’s weight when he/she is submerged, which supports their body and relieves their bones from the regular impact experienced on land. Exercise…

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Exercise Benefits for Dogs – Belle Mead NJ

Exercise Benefits for Dogs – Belle Mead NJ
23 Jun

Regardless of the age, size, or breed, each dog requires regular exercise. Dogs are often dull of energy, and the energy needs to go somewhere, or else they might become prone to health issues or problematic behaviors. According to various studies, a tired dog is always better behaved, focused, calm, and understanding. Dogs can expend their energy at a dog…

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