07 Jun

How often should you wash your dogs bowls? – Hillsborough NJ

The question about how often you should wash your dog’s food and water bowls has perplexed many pet parents. However, there is a scientific answer for this question. In addition to the science, there are some other factors that have an effect on how often you should be washing your dog’s bowls. These include: the size of your dog, whether you live in a humid or dry area, and how much of each type of bowl you have per day. If you are having trouble with the amount of time it takes to wash your dog’s bowls, don’t forget that there are ways to prevent odors from forming and other ways to decrease the amount of bacteria that builds up in the bowl. [continue reading]

When it comes to the amount of bacteria that grow in a bowl, animal scientists have found out some surprising facts. The more often you clean your dog’s water and food bowls, the less bacteria develop. Although most dogs lick their food bowls clean, the microscopic residue that is left behind harbors multiple types of bacteria, including Salmonella and E. Coli.  If your dog eats dry food, bowls should be washed once per day, after the final meal of the night.

So how should I clean dog bowls?

Bowls should be washed similarly to our dishes.  If washing the bowl by hand, use hot, soapy water and a sponge. Avoid anything abrasive, such as a steel wool, just to prevent scratches.  Always use soap, just simply rinsing the bowl in hot water has been proven ineffective and useless.  Another option is to place the bowl in the dishwasher, which will ensure complete bacteria removal.

It’s Pawty Time is a fully bonded and insured dog walking and pet sitting company located in Hillsborough NJ. At It’s Pawty Time, we know your pet is a member of your family and their happiness, comfort and safety are our top priorities. We are excited to meet you and your pet – feel free to browse our website and social media pages to learn more about who we are and why you should choose us!